
Naturopath I Herbalist

Sophie Barrett studied Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy at The College of Naturopathic Medicine in London, gaining a Distinction with five years of clinical training and research. Having learned healing traditions from around the world, Sophie realised the importance of living in harmony with nature, she went on to set up her own practice to educate and serve patients seeking optimum health.

Sophie’s mission is to empower people to look after their own health from a preventative perspective, harnessing the healing power of plants and fungi.

She is also a Mycotherapy Advisor (specialising in medicinal mushrooms) overseeing the education team for an award winning biotech with 24 years of research into medicinal mushrooms for human health.

Sophie also writes, teaches and holds workshops for all ages.

Specialist areas:

  • Women's and men's health
  • Fertility
  • Skin conditions
  • Immunity
  • General health and well being
  • Cancer
  • Sporting performance and recovery
  • Anxiety and mental health

What is herbal medicine?

Our first medicines were herbs, and one must remember that our ancestors found remedies in all parts of the world in their natural surroundings. Since then, science has proven that constituents in plants and mushrooms have valuable medicinal properties.

Herbal medicine allows you to take an active role in your well being, to get the best benefit of medicinal herbs and mushrooms it is best to integrate them within an holistic approach, working to address the root cause of imbalances in body and mind.

What happens in a consultation with Sophie?

An initial patient consultation lasts an hour – we go through your full medical history, your family medical history, the medications you might currently be taking and ask questions about every system in the body (digestion, urinary, nervous, reproductive etc.) we then do diagnostics check your nails, tongue, look at your iris and eyes. After the consultation we prescribe the appropriate herbs, extracts and lifestyle advice. We usually book a follow-up for 2-4 weeks later which is a shorter consultation.

Booking a session

Initial consultation 60 mins - £120.00

Follow-up consultation 45 mins - £80.00

Sophie is available for in person consultations on Thursday PM.  Please email us at hello@andosteo.co.uk


Nutritional Therapist

Amanda Duncan is a Nutritional Therapist (BSc Hons, NT Dip CNM, mBANT). She is a passionate believer in the philosophy that “Food is Medicine” and loves supporting clients on how to make nutrition and lifestyle choices which transform how they feel day-to-day and protect their long-term health.

Amanda works with a broad range of clients and conditions, but has specific expertise in supporting clients over 40. This includes a particular passion for helping women navigate the physical and emotional changes experienced through perimenopause and menopause.

Amanda’s own journey into Nutrition followed 16 years working in corporate environments. Exhausted, anxious and on a hormonal rollercoaster, she found that adapting small changes in her diet and lifestyle transformed her health. She is now keen to share these learnings with others on similar health journeys.

Amanda 3

Specialist areas:

  • Menopause
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Functional testing
  • Hormonal health
  • Weight loss
  • Gut health
  • Fatigue

What is nutritional therapy?

Nutritional therapy is the application of nutritional science and latest research theories to support individuals’  optimised health and wellbeing. Personalised plans are created addressing the identified nutritional imbalances and root causes of issues contributing to an individual’s symptoms and health concerns.

What happens in a consultation with Amanda?

Prior to an initial consultation a client will complete a 3-day Diet diary and a comprehensive Pre-consultation questionnaire. The initial consultation will last 75 minutes and will cover your full medical history, relevant symptoms, health goals and current eating habits. Following this you will receive a personalised plan including nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations. 45-minute follow up consultations are usually booked 4-6 weeks later to review and refine the plan.

Booking a session

Initial 75-minute Consultation, including review of Pre-consultation questionnaire & 3-day diet diary: £150

Follow up consultation: £90

Amanda is available for in person consultations on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.  Please email us at hello@andosteo.co.uk