Next dates: SUNDAY 19 May at 4PM. 1.5 hour duration. £20

Book through the Book a Class and select Courses.

This workshop is suitable for all, no Yoga experience needed. - Restorative Yoga helps reset the body and the mind to a state of deep relaxation. Through gentle asana (Yoga postures), calming Pranayama techniques (breath work) and with the help and support of some props you will learn how to release tension and tap in to the healing power of deep relaxation.

Fausto began practising Yoga since 2010 and in 2016 he became a certified Yoga instructor. He considers Yoga to be an essential tool in his quest to be healthy, creative and a happy individual.

Women's Circle in Brockley

Next date:   SUNDAY 19 May at 6PM.  2-hour duration - £35-40.

Book through eventbrite.

Women's Circles are nothing new; they have been taking place for eons. In little tribes somewhere in the middle of the rainforest. With our grandmothers around an open fire in the garden. In community centres spread across the western world. In living rooms across London.

The event will run from 6:00 to 8:00 pm and will include a guided meditation, energy healing and a sharing circle. I theme them loosely around the new moon cycles and specific themes in order to have some structure BUT also allow for the circle to free flow.  Time permitting, I also like to include embodiment and physical practices, which are totally optional and could look like this: which could look like the following: dancing/movement, group exercises, journaling, voice work, sound healing.

Women's Circles are for like minded soul-sisters just like me and you. Sometimes we all need a break from life. Sometimes all we need is sit in community and be heard, witnessed and held.

Whether you have been to women's circles before or not - this is an open and welcoming space and you will be greeted with open arms. No matter where in life you are at right now and what struggles you are going through, know that you are not alone.

Oftentimes, we feel utterly alone with our big emotions and can't conceive of somebody else going through a similar experience.  Oftentimes, we say we are ok and put on a brave face, but deep down we just want to be acknowledged, heard and embraced.

This women's circle will take place on the new moon - also known as the dark moon. A potent time for new beginnings and circle work. Not only that but it is Mother's Day here in the UK too!  This day can hold a lot of emotions for many of us.

Whoever you are and wherever you are in your journey in life, come and join us.  THIS CIRCLE IS FOR YOU TO CONNECT, REST AND REPLENISH.

Women's circle


SPACES ARE LIMITED in order to guarantee an intimate and cosy atmosphere.

Come as you are!

Come alone or bring a loved one!

See you there!

Theresa X


Facilitator:  Theresa Royle

Theresa is a triple water sign, an empath, and a highly intuitive soul. The odd tear is never far away as her emotions run very deep. She runs regular gong meditations, and women's centric workshops and also offers 1:1 energy healing work as well as bespoke sound journeys. She is mum to toddler Frankie.

Brockley Gong Bath-1

Facilitator:  Theresa Royle

Theresa is a triple water sign, an empath, and a highly intuitive soul. The odd tear is never far away as her emotions run very deep. She runs regular gong meditations, and women's centric workshops and also offers 1:1 energy healing work as well as bespoke sound journeys. She is mum to 11 months old Frankie.

Gong Bath - Sound Meditation in Brockley


Next date:  :  SUNDAY 28 April, 12 May & 26 May at 6PM.  1-hour duration - £25.

Book through eventbrite.

All you have to do is turn up with a blanket and open heart & mind, chill on your yoga mat and melt into the floor 🙂

The vibrations of the gong will wash through your body, while you surrender and allow the experience to unfold organically. The gong, with its mighty roar and gentle whisper, helps us to tap into our innate wisdom and stillness within.

Gongs are ancient instruments that have been used for ritualistic purposes & ceremonies for many centuries. When played, they produce a wide array of harmonics and hauntingly beautiful melodies, which can lower our brainwaves into Theta state and aid our healing journey.

There is no right or wrong way to feel during the experience and some of you might see visuals, while others feel a deep sense of relaxation & calm. Long-forgotten emotions and feelings, might also be triggered and brought to the surface to heal and integrate. Embrace them!

Rich kicking[55740] 2

Capoeira is a fun and engrossing artform from Brazil, combining dance, acrobatic movement, partner work, music and joy. It is a great way to get fit, make friends and challenge yourself. These workshops are aimed at beginners and are open to all, regardless of age or fitness level. They will give you a flavour for the art and teach you the basic movements you need to play your first game of capoeira!

The beginners course is 4 weeks for £48.

Contact Monitor Denny on or whatsapp/call 07855345065

Next dates: SATURDAY at 12.15 & WEDNESDAY at 18:00, 1 hour duration.

Barre&Baby™ - Dance classes for expectant and new mothers with babies

Wednesday 10:45-11:45am - Taster class £10 / Pack of 6 classes £78 / Drop-in £15

Book through this link:

Everyone is welcome and no previous dance experience is required.

Please wear comfortable clothing that you can move in. Barefoot is recommended but if you prefer you may wear dance yoga socks or soft ballet shoes.

Expectant mothers are welcome after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

For the postnatal mums, please make sure you have had your 6 week check before joining. Please bring a carrier/sling for the babywearing section of the session.

Barre&Baby™ is a space for expectant and new mothers to bring balance back into their lives using the beauty of dance and movement.

From both a physical and mental point of view, dance can be strengthening and liberating. Every movement of Barre&Baby™ has been designed to improve pregnancy and postnatal wellbeing.

During this course, you will get involved in choreographed exercises with an aim to connect to yourself and your little one while embracing music and exploring the space.

This connection enables you to create space, improve circulation, strengthen the body, increase flexibility as well as activating the release of endorphins (the ‘feel-good’ hormones), boosting energy levels and uplifting your spirit.

By staying so close to you, your baby develops a sense of security and protection, strengthens his/her muscles to hold the balance, encouraging proprioceptive development and learning.

Finally, as the saying goes: “meet someone while dancing means meeting them in their soul”. Many friendships are born on the dance floor, and our students tell us Barre&Baby™ classes are a wonderful way to make new friends.



Claudia B&B pic

Instructor: The class is taught by Claudia, dancer, teacher, researcher and mother @move_your_emotions who studied jazz dance, contemporary dance and ballet in Paris at the conservatoire and qualified with Gold Medal as a professional jazz dancer in 2005. She qualified as a Barre&Baby™ teacher in 2018, as a Babywearing Peer Supporter in 2019 at the prestigious Born To Carry School and is member of the Specialist Diploma in Choreological Studies at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.