Woman physical therapist massaging young black man holding his head

Osteopathy is a system of medicine where osteopaths consider the effective and efficient movement of all body tissues, structures and fluid circulation contribute to health and function. Body tissues include muscles, connective tissues, organs, blood vessels etc.

Osteopaths are pain specialists and can get to the root cause of pain quickly and resolve it through wholly natural techniques – drug free, hands on treatment. As front line health practitioners people can come and see us with or without a referral from a doctor.

Most people come to see us for back and neck pain, but we treat people with everything from tennis elbow to arthritic pain, knee joint pain to fibromyalgia, pregnancy aches to headaches, sciatica to neuralgia as well as running, cycling and other common sporting injuries. And we treat all ages - if pain is impacting your life come and see us.

What to expect?

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    For your first appointment we allow plenty of time to discuss your condition and establish what you need from the treatment. We will be asking you about why you have come and also about your medical history.

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    In order for us to examine you properly you will be asked to undress down to your underwear (loose shorts and vest tops are fine too if you prefer).  We will look at the way you move to assess your body mechanics and there will be a hands on examination. Depending on the nature of the problem further tests may be required similar to those carried out by GPs, such as of your reflexes, blood pressure or using a stethoscope to listen to your heart or lungs. In some cases we may suggest you consider having further tests such as an X-ray or an MRI , privately or by referral through your GP.

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    We will provide a clear explanation of our findings and discuss a treatment plan (and what we can do to help you).  We encourage you to ask questions! Understanding how you got here and why we recommend a particular treatment plan is an important part of understanding how you can look after yourself.

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    An osteopath has a unique and wide set of treatment “tools” to choose from. We may use joint mobilisation, articulation, stretching, dry needling, taping and massage to improve muscle, tissue and joint function and get your body working how it should. We may use techniques such as cranial or functional osteopathy to enable a better environment for your body to repair itself. We also like to give you exercises and advice on things that you can do to help your recovery.

  • FAQ: What is Cranial Osteopathy?

    Cranial osteopathy involves gently feeling areas of the body for tension and the subtle manipulation of the tissues.  It can be used to treat conditions that would otherwise be too sensitive for direct techniques, although, it can also used in conjunction with other more direct techniques in a treatment session. It can be used on the whole body, although contact is usually made on the head.  It is common to notice a deep sense of relaxation and wellbeing during and after treatment.

Dry Needling

Dry needling, sometimes known as western acupuncture, is an adaptation of traditional Chinese acupuncture using current scientific knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

What does it involve?

The treatment involves the insertion of very fine (.22 - .3mm diameter) stainless steel needles into skin. The needles cause intramuscular stimulation and neuromodulation which results in the release of tissue tension and pain.

Usually the insertion of the needle is not even felt.  Occasionally there may be a local twitch response in the tissue when the needle is inserted and this may provoke a brief pain response – similar to a scratch or a static electric shock.  During treatment patients commonly experience a feeling of localised relaxation.  Following a dry needling session there may be some muscle soreness for 24 - 48 hours.  Drinking plenty of water usually reduces the soreness.

What is it used for?

  • Pain relief
  • Treating strains and sprains
  • Treating trigger points
  • Decreasing muscle tension
  • Improving range of movement